Beginner Reformer
Learn the basic principles of Pilates on the reformer, focusing on fundamentals.
​Reformer Challenge Level
Take it up a level and challenge yourself on the reformer by learning intermediate/advanced moves.
Reformer/Cardio Pilates
A step up from beginner Pilates - over 1000 exercises to tone, strengthen, and lengthen the muscles, joints, and spine with a full-body workout.
Cardio Pilates (Jumpboard)
By adding the jumpboard, jumping on the reformer becomes a fun, low-impact way to exercise! Focus is on legs, butt, and abs while getting the heart rate up.
Circuit Pilates
Interval training on the Pilates equipment that includes the reformer, jumpboard, chair, standing work, weights, foam roller, and BOSU ball. A nice change of pace!
Bring your tennis shoes for a great interval workout that includes weights, stability ball, sliding work, Pilates matwork, bands, and much more to tone, strengthen, and get heart rate up.