Fascial Stretch Training... what is it?
Flrst off, let's define your fascia and your fascial nets: Fascia is your connective tissue - anatomical tissues that serve as a sheath...
Christmas is right around the corner!
Hello my fav people of all time!!! How is your Christmas shopping going? Any loved ones that would enjoy the gift of Pilates for...
Take time to care for yourself this summer!
A new client stated she is trying Pilates because of Kate Hudson quote about Pilates. She says Pilates is the only exercise that has...
Exciting News for March!
Hello to my Pilates Infusion friends! I have exciting news...so get ready for exclamation points...I am doing a Pilates Bootcamp for the...
Welcome to our New and Improved Website!
Hi everyone! I am so excited to finally have a new website after all the blood, sweat, and tears over getting it all prepared (ok, maybe...